Seismic Resources
A list of pertinent seismic performance guidelines and standards co-authored by Dr. Stephen Dickenson, New Albion Geotechnical, Inc.
ASCE/COPRI 61-14 (2014). Seismic Design of Piers and Wharves, ASCE Standard, developed with the Committee on Seismic Standards for Piers and Wharves. The standard is currently being updated by the committee for the 2019 Edition.
Seismic Engineering Standard for Piers, Wharfs, and Seawall Structures (2012). Developed for the Port of San Francisco, San Francisco, California by the seismic technical working group, document for engineering new marine and building structures and rehabilitation of existing marine structures.
LNG Terminal Engineering and Maintenance Standards (DRAFT),(2011). Developed for the California State Lands Commission, Marine Facilities Division, primary contribution to Section 6 – Seismic Hazards and Geotechnical. Draft standards available at;
Seismic Design Guidelines for Port Structures (2001). PIANC – International Navigation Association, Working Group #34, S. Iai (WG chair and editor), A.A. Balkema Publishers,474p.
Seismic Criteria for California Marine Oil Terminals (1999). prepared for the U.S. Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Center, Shore Facilities Department, Structures Division, Port Hueneme, California, J. Ferritto (project lead), authors; Ferritto, J., Dickenson, S.E., Priestley, N., Werner, S.D., and Taylor, C.. Report available at;
Seismic Guidelines for Ports (1998), American Society of Civil Engineers – Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, Ports Committee, ASCE-TCLEE Monograph #12, S.D. Werner (Committee chair and editor), ASCE, Reston, VA, 327 p.
Dr. Dickenson has also provided external review of the seismic analysis and design requirements contained in design manuals developed by state highway departments and major ports. Examples include;
Geotechnical Design Manual, Chapter 6 Seismic Design, Oregon Department of Transportation, Technical Services Branch, Geo-Environmental Section, manual available at;
Geotechnical Design Manual, Chapter 6 Seismic Design, Washington State Department of Transportation, manual available at;
Code for Seismic Design, Upgrade, and Repair of Container Wharves, Port of Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles Harbor Department (2010), code available at;