
Short Courses

Dr. Dickenson is a co-developer and co-instructor of the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) course “LRFD Seismic Analysis and Design of Transportation Geotechnical Features, and Structural Foundations.” This course is provided for personnel from the FHWA, state’s department of transportation, and engineering consultants. The FHWA NHI Course Listing is available at:

A primary course reference is;

Kavazanjian, E., Wang, J-N, Martin, G.R., Shamsabadi, A., Lam, I., Dickenson, S.E., and Hung, C.J. (2011). LRFD Seismic Analysis and Design of Transportation Geotechnical Features, and Structural Foundations, Reference Manual, Publication No. FHWA-NHI-11-032, GEC No. 3, August 2011 (Rev. 1). This reference can be obtained at:

Dr. Dickenson has developed the following courses for practicing geo-professionals and structural engineers.